The future is bright

 “The future is as bright as the promises of God” 

My mom has quoted this from William Carey for as long as I can remember. I have always loved how this statement is positive and hope-filled and anchoring. 

It takes an extra strength it seems to fully embrace a new year. It is a fight to look forward this year with  a sense of expectancy. I am sure I am not alone.  I am tempted to despair over how sad I feel about it. The Spirit, though, speaks a better word over my conflicted, trembling heart. My heart deceives me and I need His truth to light the path. 

These past few years have been difficult for so many. They have been difficult for me. They have made expectant excitement feel like foolishness and naive. The security in all aspects of life be it health, finances or even the surety of having loved ones to grow old with isn’t there. I feel more fearful than expectant; more conscious of the fragility of everything. I fear looking at my phone or getting a text and it causes me anxiety when someone I love gets sick or even leaves on a trip. I have mourned more shocking losses than I care to recall here. 

The truth is that I am guilty of having misplaced my hope. I wasn’t aware of just how much I looked to things of this world for my security. Perspective grants the gift to see that I needed this season to shake the roots I have put down deep in the stuff of earth. It has held my allegiance without me even knowing or really trying. There wasn’t a conscious shift. It is how I lean. I am bent towards the temporal. I need awakening. This uprooting has been painful and frightening. It makes me feel vulnerable and almost bullied at times by God.

My soul needs resuscitating. It isn’t my circumstances that need to change. I need the “quickening” of the Spirit. That is the hard part.  The best part of this process however, is that the “anchor of the soul” remains sure and steadfast for me. The best part of truth is that according to 1 Peter I have been given new birth, a living hope and an inheritance that can’t be changed or broken. My faith too is being guarded by God’s power  daily. 

These promises are not going to change. They aren’t contingent on my ability to keep it together and remember Him. He always remembers me. He secures me by His power and His promises (Hebrews 6) and equips me to face suffering and trials with a hope that isn’t married to the fragility of earth. 

When we place our hope in God, we are strengthened and encouraged. 

Hope has a name. His name is God with us. We can have a confident expectation in the midst of all that this year and this life with throw at us. He is with us. For us. Guarding us, fighting for our faith, empathizing with us and providing continual mercy and grace until that final hope appears and makes all the sad things come untrue. 

The year 2022 is the same as it has always been. This I know. It strengthens me from within, gives me joy and hope and peace. It is bright with the promises of God. He will hold us. Steadfast.


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