The Poll of Popular Opinion
Hello. My name is Annie. I live in Upstate New York and (pause)
I am a homeschool mom.
I homeschool.
When I share this bit of info. concerning myself to whomever and whoever, I am invariably met with many different reactions. Perhaps you are one of them.
There is this one. " Oh...that's NIIIIICCCCEEEE..." and often what follows is a rather patrionizing look of, " I am so sorry that your kids are wierd (or will be)".
Conversations with these types brings out the worst in me I am afraid. An immediate need for justification of WHY we homeschool. (Which to this day I am unsure of the exact reason other than the rarity that we just WANT to.) I find myself having to go into how neat it is. What a treat it is. How cool. How hip. The irony in this is how similar my own feelings were concerning the idea of homeschooling a child. Admit it. We are subjected to a stero-type that is hard to shake.
To the best of my knowledge I am not wierd, backwards, stiff, self-righteous or (cough) idealistic. I don't make my own clothing, I don't wear sneakers with dresses. I get my hair done as soon as the roots come in, and it will be on rare occasion (and by rare I mean that the house would have to be burning down, or you show up at my home at 6 in the morning) that you would see me without make-up on. I know the stereotypes. I really do. But see for ME...
I love being with my girls. I love seeing them create and learn and grow and change and develop. I love seeing the lights come on when they FINALLY get something that they have been working on. I love hearing them play and watching them interact.
I am not trying to shelter them or over protect them from the inevitable worldly mindsets. I am not trying to morph them into a smaller version of me. I don't homeschool for any of those reasons. I love learning with them and discovering things together. I love devloping in them a love of life and learning. I enjoy making learning fun.
I irritate myself with the often self-possesed need to expound on it. I really do. There is just such pressure to be the perfect; the best mom. And like so many other things in life we believe that there is a formula to access that ideology.
I find that not following the "norm" has brought this to the surface in my life. I see it in other moms as well. There are those who would love to be able to homeschool but just can't. There are others who love having their children in school and interacting and there are those whose children need to be in school for one reason or another. There are single moms who are pouring every minute into providing for their kids and would just love to be home all day with their kiddos.
I am really okay with that. To me it is not indicitive that you hate your children and don't want them around if your kids are in school. No need for you to have to justify your decision to me. Or defend it. What makes us come to conclusions about the direction our life should take, or the way that we parent should never come from the poll of popular opinion, though.
When we began this three years ago I can't tell you how much anxiety I had over this decision. What would I be keeping them from? Would they need therapy when they are older and will it all be because I homeschooled them? Would they be able to hold intellegent conversation? Would they make eye contact with other adults? (I am rambling...)
I was so very much influenced by the opinions that were surrounding me. I found that Rob and I had to make this decision like we have to make with so many other decisions concerning our girls. Through prayer and with the peace that can only come from the Lord. I hand this and other decsions over to Him. And, it is open for Him to change our direction at any minute. So I will NOT be the kind of mom who pats the hand of another mom and condescends her decisions.
I started this school year with much more resolve , confidence and excitment. I felt rested from our summer break and felt confident that we can make learning a lifetime event and that it can be fun.
I also was gearing up. Beause...there are days. I will be honest. Days where I feel like I will scream if I can't get away from them. If I could only have one hour in the morning to finish a cup of coffee, or to watch the morning news, or take a jog (okay a brisk walk) or meet up with friends for breakfast, or have a meaningful time in the Word. There have been those times where I have wondered if I could be a corporate something or other, or work in a bakery or...I don't know. But, at the end of the day I will say that I am glad that God has allowed me to do this. Not because I feel it is best and the only. But, because for me, it is neat.
No matter what I do as a mom it is really my sincerest prayer that I will live for HIM. That I will gladly use this time to invest, train, love on, encourage and exhort these precious little souls that He has given to me.
It is a true gift.
So, mom...
Homeschool, working, stay at home, public school, private school mom. Don't you feel so blessed? To have the distinguished joy of being in our kids world and to watch them grow, develop, change...It's neat. It isn't cookie cutter and there is no known manual. It isn't the same for everyone, but this truth from the Word is...
"Whatever you, whether in word or deed? DO IT.
With all your heart.
As unto the Lord and not to men."
May God richly bless you and your tireless efforts.
PERFECTLY posed. LOVED every word. Drip, drip, drip...right into my heart.
ReplyDeleteI like this post! Life is too short to not enjoy every moment you can with your family! Plus,,, doesn't it make sense to homeschool since you head south twice a year for Theatre?