Choosing to Trust

How thankful I am for the legacy of faith that has been passed down through the many generations before me. I have never doubted the existance of God, but I must say that very often I have had to choose to trust in His Soverignty and in His choices for my life. I wrestle with the will to hold onto my own plans and desires daily. This poem was penned by the hand of my sweet grandmother who has lived her life in surrender to a loving, gracious and intimate God. I am thankful for the reminder of the legacy of His grace and thankful the challenge to choose to trust Him in the midst of the uncertainties of life.
Choosing To Trust
by Joyce Hart
I'm groping along a dark pathway today -
My lamp has grown dim -
I'm not sure of my way.
I question my faith that I thought was so strong;
The days are so painful, the nights are so long.
Has God now forsaken me, left me alone?
My cries seems unanswered, the heavens like stone.
Shall I, in my bitterness, faint and rebel
Or shall I keep trusting, as when all is well?
The Evil One whispers, "See, God does not care -
You trusted, but He will not answer your prayer."
But where would I go, if my faith I should lose?
There's no other refuge - His way I must choose.
He comes to remind me that He's in command
And I am His child, so I'm safe in His hand,
For nothing can touch me unless He approves,
And all of it based on the fact that He loves.
He wept at the tomb where His friend, Lazarus, laid
"Behold, how He loved him, the bystanders said.
"Twas not for Himself that He wept, but His tears
Were shed for the grief we'd feel down through the years.
He wept so we'd know that our trial He shares -
In all of our heartaches, He knows and He cares.
We may endure trials, but someday they'll cease
And those who are His will know nothing but peace.
When tears are forgotten and all wiped away,We'll bow down and worship with joy at His feet. Our present afflictions will then seem so small
And the time we endured them like no time at all.
Then run with endurance the race you must runAnd fight the good fight till the battle is done. For faithfulness here He will give a reward;
Forever and ever we'll be with the Lord.
Joyce Hart


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