Pondering in my heart


I try to hold onto so many of them. Often I feel that I am grasping them as I would grasp for sand. I can't seem to hold onto them all. They slip through my fingers.

These times with my children are so precious to me. I wish I could capture every story they dream up, wish I could save every picture they draw, wish so much I could recall every reason behind that belly~laugh. These days are so fleeting.

If there is one memory I wish to cling to more than anything it would be the times the girls and Rob and I cuddle up and just talk.

These times are usually right before bed, with their little eyes nearly closing after a full day of fun, or in the mornings during our devotion time as a family. Though there be plenty of room to spread out, each girl must be in one of our laps curled up with a blanket.

"Daddy, do you remember what your first memory was?"

"Mommy, what was your favorite toy when you were little?"
They talk about their dreams.What will life be like when they "grow up". Who they will marry, what they will do with their lives. ( Morgan has informed us that being a drummer with pink hair lies in her future and that she will be some sort of philanthropist giving all of her earnings to the poor, and Paige told us just recently that God wants her to be a missionary, even though she doesn't really want to ...funny)

Sometimes Rob will get out his guitar and we will sing lullabies until their eyelids are too heavy to hold open; the yawns replacing their pretty melody. Soon they bury down into their cozy pillows.

These times with them are precious to me, and countless others.

But, if I could choose only one memory out of all these precious ones it would be when they talk to me about the Lord.

Their desire to know Him and obey Him astonishes their dad and me.

I can't begin to explain to you how much of these bedside chats and these cozy mornings with them warm this mommy's heart.

I feel that in this one thing I can identify with Jesus' own mother who upon witnessing the wonder that followed the birth of the Messiah, " treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart."

They are truly a treasure and they are mine to be cherished forever. It causes my own heart to explode in worship to a God who created the universe and yet is close enough to whisper His love and His truth into the hearts of my little girls.

To watch their journey with God has been and will forever be one of the greatest experiences of my life.

I couldn't help but envision this morning as I listened to them lift up their own praise in the form of requests to God that heaven was smiling.

I know that I couldn't contain mine.
